Scripts & Casting


There are two script versions of Marcie the Marvelous Tree available. In both cases, the show is approximately 60-minutes in length. The difference is in the size and makeup of the cast. To download a PDF file of the complete script, click on the option best suited to your theatre company. The authors will send you a hard-copy of the script if you request one (by going to the contact page) but Marcie has convinced us to only use recycled paper.

These scripts are available for perusal purposes only. Royalties must be paid if you intend to produce the piece. See the contact page for more information.

Click to download

The Professional Children's Theatre Company Small Cast version

Written for a professional cast of between 5 to 9 actors. Some doubling is required. You can use young adults to play the Brownies; or if your company has the ability to use age appropriate talented young actors for the Brownies (ages 8-13), we highly encourage it.

Click to download

The Large Cast version

Adapted for theatre companies that produce shows performed by young actors. It is the very same marvelous script, expanded to accommodate as many actors as your company chooses to use. As with the Professional Version, the show has many more female roles than male roles. Yes, there are lead roles, but as desired, every actor can have their own character and lines, including singing solo lines.